About Me

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I LUV HOCKEY! I luv music and writing, too! I am currently working on a book and am in a band, Surrounded!!! I am a proud fan of the San Jose Sharks, Washington Capitals, Chicago Blackhawks, and Pittsburgh Penguins! I also luv Canada, Russia, and Sweden!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

7/11/10: Ryan Miller

(image found on Google)

Let's do this.

Name: Ryan Miller
DOB: July 17, 1980 (Happy almost birthday!)
Current NHL Team: Buffalo Sabres

When you return home from the library, you notice that someone left a message on your home phone. This message is short, sweet, and to the point.
"I need you to help me with a little project. Please come to my house whenever you get home, and I mean whenever. I'm home all day, and I'm bored. Actually, I have absolutely nothing to do all week, so...." Laughing at the slight awkwardness of the message, you run over things in your head. You absolutely adore Ryan, how could you say no?
Less than fifteen minutes later, you're jogging up a driveway to Ryan's house. He's waiting at the door like a perfect gentleman. He holds his camera in one hand, and he escorts you into the living room with the other. There is a plain wooden chair in the middle of the room, in front of the window that looks into the backyard. As you get the idea, you sit down and try to look as poised and beautiful as possible. Lucky for you, you don't even have to try, Ryan tells you the instant that you sit down that you look perfect. He loves your excited smile and sparkling eyes.
After snapping a couple shots, Ryan casually walks over to his laptop which is plugged in at a nearby desk. He searches through iTunes and finds a catchy song with a good beat. You, on the other hand, roll you eyes and think to yourself: Of course. With him, everything has to be absolutely perfect and professional. He's treating this like a real photo shoot....which means he's treating me like a model. I kinda like this.
For the next hour and a half, you have so much fun posing and smiling and laughing as Ryan makes faces at you for no apparent reason. When he finally sets down his camera, he smiles and takes your hand.
"Congragulations," he leads you to the sofa. "You're a model. A very good one at that. You wanna watch a movie?" You find it hard to decide which movie to watch with the hundreds of thousands of choices. Quickly, you choose a really stupid movie, just to make you laugh. So you spend the rest of the afternoon and evening watching movies with Ryan.

Did you have fun?? What stupid movie would you and Ryan watch??

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