About Me

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I LUV HOCKEY! I luv music and writing, too! I am currently working on a book and am in a band, Surrounded!!! I am a proud fan of the San Jose Sharks, Washington Capitals, Chicago Blackhawks, and Pittsburgh Penguins! I also luv Canada, Russia, and Sweden!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

7/18/10: Jaroslav Halak

(images found on Google) First, watch this: Habs Romance, Version 1 and 2. (btw my band wrote a third version, so soon I'll post it. My band's YouTube Channel is OfficiallySurrounded.)


KK, you guys scared me a little bit when I found out who won this week. Not sure how well this will go this week.

Name: Jaroslav Halak
DOB: May 13, 1985)
Current NHL Team: St. Louis Blues

You were a bit scared when Jaroslav first called you, but you promised yourself you would go through with this anyway. You made sure that you and Jaro would go somewhere public, where there would be plenty of witnesses (just in case; you've heard some things). But when he drives up in his van asking to stay either in the house or in the car because "his allergies were acting up", you know you're screwed. After moments of decisions, you choose the van because there is less room, meaning less hiding spots-so he can't sneak up on you- and more obstacles.
When you cautiously step into the car, Jaro greets you with a nod and a smile. He's got his sweatshirt on, even though it's not cold outside. As you suspiciously eye him now and then, you begin to believe the allergy story. He never bothers to drive the car, or even start the engine until you ask. Quickly, he clicks on the radio and turns it up LOUD. Then he remembers his manners and asks for your approval.
You laugh as Habs Romance comes up on the station you're listening to. Considering the first 30 seconds of the song is his name, Jaro was really happy. He was nodding his head, loudly singing along, and even playing air guitar. Now you see that, apart from the slight creepiness, he isn't a bad guy. Willingly, you join him in the singing and banging on the dashboard of the car. The next seven or eight songs that turned on the radio are really upbeat and loud. Although he gets disappointed when a slower song eventually turns on, you find yourself breathing a sigh of relief. Being a "rockstar" is hard work, and you need a break. Now, you look over at Jaroslav and smile; you're having fun.

Although I think the question is "how much fun?"

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