About Me

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I LUV HOCKEY! I luv music and writing, too! I am currently working on a book and am in a band, Surrounded!!! I am a proud fan of the San Jose Sharks, Washington Capitals, Chicago Blackhawks, and Pittsburgh Penguins! I also luv Canada, Russia, and Sweden!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

7/26/10: San Jose Sharks

Since I'm a Sharks fan, I wrote this preview of the team for The Hockey Junkies. There is a link to their site on the links list on the side of the page. Here is my preview:

San Jose Sharks-

By the end of the 09-10 regular season, San Jose was placed first in the Western confrence and second in the league, following the Washington Capitals. Fans believed in the talented team that they were proud to call their own. Within their leadership, ability, and strength, San Jose had talent, finesse, and what looked close to a solid defense, so what could go wrong in the playoffs this year?

Well, first of all, they almost didn’t get past the first round. It was difficult to overpower the Avalanche’s young skill. But the fatigued, plodding Sharks eventually pulled through. They were being overworked and forced to play more time in the neutral zone. I remember the night of the final game of that round:

My school choir was performing at Disneyland, a place that, only after a few days, felt like a second home because wherever I’d go in the park, I’d see one of my friends. There were so many memories that were picked up from this trip, but one particularly stands out. On Saturday night, as we were watching the fireworks show by the famous castle, my dad leaned down to my left shoulder. As he whispered the final score of the last game between the Avs and the Sharks, I jumped to him, hugged him, and whispered “finally,” over and over again. When I say “whispered,” I say that as an understatement. People all around us shot me looks saying “what the hell?” but I don’t think I quite knew either. I was just so relieved. I hadn’t been able to keep track of the scores while I was here with my choir, but I saw the Sharks game the night before we left. I had to turn it off, the Sharks were playing so horribly. Guess that shows what a little extra work can do.

Well there you have it. Once the Sharks got going, they really got going. Local fans prayed for a series sweep against Detroit. A lot of fans believed in the Sharks, including me and my dad. On the day of game 4, my dad suggested that I bring a tiny broom to school and wave it to my math teacher because she is a Red Wings fan. I thought about it, but decided against it. And, of course, the Sharks lost that night. Dang karma. They came back the next game and won the series in 5, though!

By round three, there was no maybe. It was either yes, the Sharks can beat the Blackhawks, or no, they can’t. It seemed that everybody had chosen a side. For more than a week I had been begging my dad to get us tickets to game 1 at HP Pavillion. We ended up getting row 4 tickets at the last minute. These were amazing seats, and you could see the players’ sweat as they skated by. Being able to watch the game from this angle, I could see how hard every member of the team had to work. Of course hockey looks tiring, but, as I was watching, I was almost out of breath myself.

I swiched channels on my TV, although the Chicago, San Jose game was on. I didn’t need to know the final score to know who was going to the finals.


General Manager: Doug Wilson

Head Coach: Todd McLellan

Team Capitan: To be decided at training camp. A lot of fans think Joe Thornton is a contender, but I think Ryane Clowe should be capitan this season. He is a powerful forward with a pair of great hands and a mean hip check. I know I’m kind of biased, but he’s from Newfoundland! That makes me happpy!

Players everyone should love: Jed Ortmeyer; he has a blood clotting disorder and takes daily injections to keep playing hockey. The injections help the disorder, but increase his chanses of internal and external bleeding. He has to wear extra padding and has to be careful when he’s out on the ice.

Torrey Mitchell- He’s just gorgeous, that’s all I really need to say. He’s not afraid to get up in some guy’s face, and I think it makes him even cuter when you look at him next to a defensman that’s six inches taller than he is. Mitchell’s got some speed too, and that’s always a good thing.

Player I don’t love: I can’t say I hate any Shark player, but Dwight Helminen is my least favorite. It’s true that I don’t pay as much attention to him, but all I’ve seen him do this season is skate around and save seats on the bench.

Who they got this offseason [as of July 27]: 2010 6th round pick (163rd overall), 2010 5th round pick, Sean Sullivan, Antero Niittymaki

Who they lost this offseason [as of July 27]: Henrik Karlsson, Brad Staubitz, Brett Sterling, Manny Malhotra

Located at: HP Pavillion at San Jose


Hotness level [1-10]:

-based on regular season play: 9.99991

-based on playoff performance:was 7(round 1), then 9(round 2), then 4(round 3)

-based on hotness, sexyness, and cuteness of the players: 7 on average; Torrey Mitchell is like 99 or something :)

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