About Me

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I LUV HOCKEY! I luv music and writing, too! I am currently working on a book and am in a band, Surrounded!!! I am a proud fan of the San Jose Sharks, Washington Capitals, Chicago Blackhawks, and Pittsburgh Penguins! I also luv Canada, Russia, and Sweden!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Hockey Boyfriend[s]: Part 1

Out of all the hockey players in the league, these are my hockey boyfriends. I have chosen
one player from each team, and I've thought of some ideas for dates for each. Remember,
these are my opinion. Please comment and let me know your opinions as well!

Anaheim Ducks: Cam Fowler [just because he got booed when he was drafted by the Ducks but
he took it so well.] We would go out for ice cream and he offers to pay. I decide to get triple scoop
and take advantage of his offer but he doesn't care.
Atlanta Thrashers: Alexander Burmistrov [because he is Russian and adorable] He would show
up at my house where I would teach him some more English, and he would attempt to teach me
Boston Bruins: Tyler Seguin [because I find him naturally amazing] He takes me out for tea
because I managed to get him to believe the the Boston Tea Party was a way for men to get their
girlfriends to do whatever they want.
Buffalo Sabres: Ryan Miller [because I realized I've been underestimating him the first time I
saw that "questions will be answered" commercials] I'd take him to a tennis park to see if he can
do anything else with tennis balls than bounce them against a wall.
Calgary Flames: Mikael Backlund [because he is Swedish and has a reason to take me to IKEA,
because {I know this is pathetic} I've never been there before] IKEA. 'Nuff said.
Carolina Hurricanes: Jared Staal [I know I'm cheating a little bit, but HE IS AMAZING AND
HE IS MINE] I would love for him to take me to Thunder Bay, Ontario, his hometown.
Chicago Blackhawks: Patrick Kane [this one was hard, but I chose Kaner because he is an
extremely talented player who seems like a really down-to-Earth guy] He takes me to The Fratellis'
concert, where we sing louder than anyone else when Chelsea Dagger is played.
Colorado Avalanche: Brandon Yip [because I looked on the Avalanche website and loved his
picture and that goofy smile] We'd go pick up donuts at a local coffee shop on a rainy day.
Columbus Blue Jackets: Steve Mason [because, to me, he may be one of the few decent looking
Blue Jackets] We go to the library, but we get kicked out because he keeps sending me flirty text
messages and I keep laughing.
Dallas Stars: I'm sorry, I cannot choose a Dallas Star. I cannot find one.
Detroit Red Wings: Jonathan Ericsson [because I fell in love with his hair] He'd invite me over
to his place, where he would teach me how to make Swedish meatballs.
Edmonton Oilers: Devan Dubnyk [because I got tickets to a Sharks' game near the visiting team's
locker room entrance, and I noticed that Devan was always smiling, but the Oilers lost] We'd take a
walk [in the rain] along a beach I know of, collecting sea glass.
Florida Panthers: Steve Bernier [because I loved him so much while he played in San Jose] He'd
show up to my house uninvited (which is completely okay with me) and play NHL 2K 11 with me.
LA Kings: Marc-Andre Cliche [because he has an awesome name] I'd invite him over just so I can
hear him say his name over and over agian.
Minnesota Wild: Marco Scandella [because, even with in all the gorgeous rookies' pictures, his
stood out to me] On Canada Day, he would invite me to his home in Montreal so we could blow up
stuff in the local park.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 years ago...continued

2 years ago today, Alexei Cherepanov, a nineteen-year-old Russian hockey star, died during a KHL game, with less than five minutes to go in the game. This morning I woke up and forced a smile on my face, remembering that he died doing what he loved and that I should remember him for his life, not his death... I love you, Alexei. I won't forget, I promise.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alexei Cherepanov: 2 years ago...

Two years ago, the KHL hockey team of Avangard Omsk was playing a game in a city outside of Moscow. With about five minutes left in the game, all heads were turned to the Avangard bench. Nineteen-year-old star, Alexei Cherepanov had collapsed on the bench while conversing with friend, idol, and teammate, Jaromir Jagr. Like good trainers should, they rushed Alexei to the parking lot, only to find that the ambulance that was supposed to stay at the game had left fifteen minutes earlier. Once the ambulance returned, Alexei was rushed to the hospital, but many believed that all hope was lost. Cherepanov was revived three times; once he even regained consciousness and was able to recognize his teammates. As some had feared, nothing could ultimately save him. Alexei Andreyevich Cherepanov passed away in Chekhov, Russia that night. He was an amazingly talented player and will never be forgotten. R.I.P.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jordan Staal: 03

As you replay the part where Jordan hoists the Stanley Cup for the fifth time tonight, you nudge Jordan with your elbow, but he is unresponsive.

"Jordy?" You whisper. "Are you okay?" By his steady breathing, you can tell he is asleep. Just as you stand up to leave, Jordan lets out the loudest snore you've ever heard. You jump back in shock, and turn back around to make sure he's okay. Hesitantly, you walk back to his bedside and run your fingers through his golden hair, hoping it won't wake him up.

Rolling over with a moan, Jordan throws his left arm over his body and on top of your hand. You pull your hand from underneath his and gently place it on the side of his face. As you lean in to kiss his forehead, he tilts his head up and pulls you into a surprising kiss. Truthfully, you didn't want him to stop, but he did. Shocked, you stare into his crystal blue eyes, trying to figure out his evil plan.

"Oh my goodness, Jordan! What was that?" he looked at you stupidly.

"I kissed you." he paused. "I kissed you!" You didn't see the big deal, but obviously he did. He sat up, still in bed, with that unmistakable smirk on his face.

"Look, I love you." He held you into his arms as you unwillingly try to break away. You and Jordan have been friends forever, but you didn'tlove him, did you? "I love you and I've always wanted to tell you and I don't know why I never have!" Jordan laughed and pulled you with him as he lied back down on the bed.

"What, no!" You stood up suddenly, scaring the heck out of Jordan. "We're friends, I can't- I don't love you, Jordan!" With that said, you grabbed your bag and left, making sure to slam the door as you left.

You could hear him calling your name over and over, but you never went back. You saw him, without crutches, walk out the front door in an attempt to run to your car before you left.

"I'm sorry," you whispered to yourself. "But I can't do this!"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Really, Jordan?

Well, looks like Staalsy's gonna be out for a while. Maybe until after Thanksgiving ("Canadian or American?") Really, Jordan?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jordan Staal: 02

Yay! Next chapter!!

You've always hated when Jordan would call you at three in the morning. It didn't happen often, but when it did, you usually wouldn't go back to sleep at all the rest of the night. Tonight was no exception. As you glance at the caller ID, you sigh and pick up the phone.

"Jordan?" You were silent for a moment. " What's going on?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." You roll your eyes as you lie back down on your soft bed.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna-"

"No!" He inturrupted. "You can't hang up!"

"I want to go back to sleep, Jordan!" You both were silent as he thought of an excuse.

"Well, so do I? But I can't!"

"Why not?" Thinking about the dream you were rudely awoken from, you wondered what his "reason" would be this time.

" I miss you."

For a second, you almost believed him. You knew it was just another way to get you to come over to his place and spend the night with him. He wouldn't give up, so you might as well give in.

"Only because you're hurt, Jordan."

"Yay! Thank you!" By the sound of his voice you could tell he was smiling. You couldn't help but smile yourself.

"I'll be right over."

When you get to Jordan's house, you notice that all the lights were off, but the door was unlocked. You slip your jacket off and throw it on the wooden chair in the living room. After you lock the door behind you,you switch on the lights and head toward the bedroom. Jordan has the TV on, it was a recording of the Penguins Stanley Cup winning game.

"Hey girlie!" he calls. "You look tired." His reminder made you yawn. You plop down on the chair next to the bed, pulling your knees to your chest. Wearily, you watch the game that Jordan had recorded. He kept rewinding and replaying Marc-Andre Fleury's interview at the end of the game where he curses on TV and actually realizes it.


Jordan giggles every time Flower says those words. Before you know it, your laughing too, and you've completely forgot that you're tired.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Marc Staal FINALLY signed with the Rangers!! :) It totally made my week. March 12, 2010. Rangers at Sharks. I'M TOTALLY GONNA MARC THAT ON MY CALENDAR!!